Women's Fellowship Astoria

The Women’s Ministries at New Beginnings Church of Astoria seeks to support and strengthen a woman’s walk with Jesus Christ by teaching, discipling, supporting and praying with Christian women of all ages. With ample opportunities to hear life testimonies and experiences of Christ’s work in the lives of others, women are strengthened in their own walk and gain practical insight into the application of the Bible in their lives. It is also a great time of fun, laughter and memories.

Presently meetings are once a month with various themes, events and
speakers planned for each session. The strong relationships built at these meetings are long lasting; no woman has to walk alone.

We invite women to come and be blessed. Come and be part of a group of women pouring their lives into each other, growing and serving Jesus Christ. Come laugh, cry, enjoy the teachings, games and special speakers at our monthly meetings.

Where to find us

40-11 23rd Avenue,Astoria,
NY 11105

Have questions? 718-928-5119

Service Times
Main Service – Sunday – 11 am

Prayer – Tuesday – 7 pm via Phone
Bible Study – Friday – 7 pm via Zoom.

