Weekly Prayer Meeting in Astoria NY. The Bible says “Then you will call upon me and go and pray to me, and I will listen to you” – Jeremiah 29:12.
Prayer, both individually and corporately is a cornerstone of New Beginnings Church of Astoria. We are privileged to enter into the presence of God and commune with Him because of the Cross and the ultimate sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is in prayer that He reveals Himself to us and we hear from Him. It is in prayer that our chains are broken, our hearts healed and our faith and hope are lifted. God is a prayer answering God.
In these times of uncertainty, high anxiety, confusion and worry, God’s promise to hear us when we cry out to Him still stands. Prayer reaches the heart of God and He loves you and cares for you and will respond. When we look for guidance we can stand on
His Word which says:
“Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things you never knew” – Jeremiah 33:3
Our Prayer Meeting on Tuesdays at 7 pm is when we meet together to for our needs and to seek God’s face for His direction for our church. It is also a time of testimonies. There are testimonies of healing (emotional, physical and relational), God’s provision, mercy and care. God is at work in our midst. Will you join us on Tuesdays at 7 pm as we meet the Lord and feel the power of the Holy Spirit at work. Currently our prayer meetings are via Zoom.
Where to find us
Prayer – Tuesday – 7 pm via Phone Bible Study – Friday – 7 pm via Zoom.