
Bible Study in Astoria NY

Weekly, detailed, expository Bible study in Astoria NY of the entire counsel of God’s Word. Taught by an Assemblies of God Pastor. Studies are on a series of topics or on individual books of the Bible. A comfortable format with handouts and visual presentations to illustrate truth from God’s word, discussion of the material, questions and answers are all part of our time together.

As we study the Word of God together we grow in maturity and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. and are equipped for ministry.

Bible Studies are currently via Zoom at 7.30 pm on Friday.

Current Series – The Fear of the Lord



A deep study of the Fear of the Lord, taught by our Senior Pastor. This principle of “fearing God” flows through the entire Bible and is associated with a closeness to the Lord and blessings to those who “fear Him”. This “fear” is not a terrifying fear, rather it can be summarized as reverence, awe of God and most of all – obedience. It is to hate evil, pride and arrogance. Join us as we study what “the fear of the Lord” is, examples of it in the Bible, it’s presence (or lack thereof) in various Bible characters and more.

All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance,  corruption and perverse speech.
Proverbs 8:13

Where to find us

40-11 23rd Avenue,Astoria,
NY 11105

Have questions? 718-928-5119

Service Times
Main Service – Sunday – 11 am

Prayer – Tuesday – 7 pm via Phone
Bible Study – Friday – 7 pm via Zoom.

